Pipit User Guide

This guide explains how to configure and use the pipit keyboard.

Strategy for getting started

Print a copy of the cheatsheet that shows the locations of commonly-used keys. Install the typing tutor and use it to practice typing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Jump into doing real work using the keyboard as early as you can. It will be slow at first, but that's the best way to improve.

Once you comfortably know the positions of every letter, start chording small words all at once by pressing every letter in the word at the same time: when you want to type "the", line up your fingers over t,h, and e and press them together. If that gives you the wrong word, press command_cycle_word and see if that fixes it. Read the section on words to learn more.

Use the configuration tool to customize the keyboard's dictionary with the words you use most often, add macros for common shortcuts or code snippets, add modes for specific games, or add one-handed modes with hotkeys for a specific program.