
Snippets are similar to words, except they aren't preceded by a space and they can't be modified by `word_modifiers` or `anagram_modifiers` (or any other type of modifier). Here's the definition for a snippet that will type a smiley face when you press `(` and `:` at the same time:
  - {snippet: "(:"}

It's better to define this as a snippet than as a word because it wouldn't make sense to capitalize a smiley face. If we had defined it as a word, pressing mod_capital at the same time would produce 9:, which is never what we want.

By default, the snippet's chord will be generated by combining the existing plain_key chords mapped to every character in the snippet's sequence. However, it's usually more useful to specify a different, simpler chord. This snippet will type your email address when you press space, m, and e at the same time:

  - {snippet: "", chord: " me"}

Special symbols

These special symbols can appear in a snippet definition to represent keys that can't be displayed normally:

symbol key unicode
\n key_enter
\t key_tab
\" key_doublequote
\\ key_backslash
key_left U+2190
key_up U+2191
key_right U+2192
key_down U+2193
key_home U+25C0
key_end U+25B6

For example, these snippets type a pair of parentheses of quotation marks, and then position the cursor inside:

  - {snippet: "()←", chord: "()"}
  - {snippet: "\"\"←", chord: " \""}

This snippet types out a C if-statement, and positions the cursor inside the parentheses:

  - {snippet: "if () {\n}↑▶←←", chord: " if"}